Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

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Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:47 pm -0500

EDIT: I'm posting the email messages they've sent me in the posts below just so I don't feel like I need to read them right away and can delete the messages.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mig ... f=activity


Some of the guys that used to work for Capcom, specifically working on the old NES Mega-Man franchise have decided to start their own company, Comcept.

They're working on their own version of Mega-Man. Legally, it can't be the same game, so this is just strongly influenced by it. I've been watching this Kickstarter campaign since day 1. It's only been in existence for around 85 hours as of now.

This Kickstarter is taking off. They hit their initial funding goal of $900,000 in under 24 hours. They hit the 2nd goal of 1.2 million, 3rd of 1.35 million and are already at their 4th of 1.5 million. If they climb as high as 2.2 million, this game will be released on the PS3, Xbox 360 & Wii U.

Anyway, it's awesome. You should check it out.
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:54 pm -0500

Update #1

To all of our backers and supporters and friends we've made over the last whirlwind 24 hours -- anyone who came to the panel or the signing at PAX, tweeted about us, came to an interview or wrote a story about us, emailed or commented on our Kickstarter page, posted or shared about us on Facebook, told a friend about us, wished us luck or even just came up to say "hi" -- thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! We could fill this whole update with nothing but those two words and it still would not be enough.

We were and continue to be -completely- blown away by the outpouring of love and support from so many amazing fans, both here at PAX and from all corners of the Internet. It was your passion for our previous games that got us to the starting line, but it's seeing and hearing and reading your feedback and well-wishes for Mighty No. 9 that will fuel us to the finish, and hopefully beyond!

We're still running around like crazy wrapping up PAX (all day Sunday was spent in interviews -- look for coverage soon coming from The Mega Man Network, 100K Strong for Legends 3, Kotaku, Polygon, Giant Bomb, Destructoid, US Gamer, IGN, Gamespot, eurogamer, Game Informer and more), and need a day or two to recover and return back to Tokyo from our debut here in Seattle, but we'll be all set up soon. In the meantime, we're getting ready to ramp up on Facebook and Twitter (follow us @MightyNo9!), we're already answering questions in our KS comments and email, and most importantly, we're prepping to start rolling out regular updates beginning this week!

Speaking of Kickstarter updates -- what do we have planned? How does more concept art, new story and character details, video clips, featured fan art (if you have some, send it to us!), and a podcast sound, for starters? How would you like to follow the evolution of a boss design, from rough sketch to finished product? Or listen along to a localization session as we discuss different character and boss name options? Or take part in an early backer poll on the design for Beck's partner, Call? Or...well, you tell us! We want to hear about what kind of info -you- want to hear about most -- both for our campaign updates and, should we make our goal, beyond that as well!

Finally, before we go, we wanted to give a super-special shout-out to two of our partners: first, Fangamer -- who somehow not only helped design and create awesome made-to-order shirts with unique numbering on each and every one on a super short deadline, but also pulled off the miracle of getting them in the hands of 550-ish PAX panel-goers in a timely and orderly fashion (still not entirely sure how they did it!).

Also, major, major props to 2 Player Productions, who...well, their talent and hard work is evident for all to see in our beyond-our-wildest-dreams-amaze-town pitch video, but what you -can't- see is the infinite patience they've shown, working late nights Skyping with Japan, sitting crammed into a tiny hotel room filming for days on end, and dealing with all the other added hassles that come with doing everything in two languages for the past couple months.

Both these companies are not contractors with this Kickstarter, but true partners and friends, who have risked a lot themselves to take this ride along with us -- and both of them have more in store for us and you throughout our Kickstarter campaign and hopefully beyond.

But we want to end this message how it began: with thanks and gratitude to you, our backers and supporters and fans. With that in mind, we'll leave you for now with this amazing piece of fan art (from rnn, aka @prnnography) that we think says it all:


-The Mighty No. 9 team

We thought it might be fun to use this spot in our updates to highlight cool stuff that comes out of the community, or that we think our community would like to know about -- we'll start, but send us your ideas, links, updates and whatever that have to do with Mighty No. 9!

Now then! Let's kick this off with a great big nod to the Shovel Knight team at Yacht Club Games, who gave us loads of advice and encouragement on shaping our Kickstarter campaign! There's not many places you can go to find a good example of how to do a traditionally-console-centric genre on Kickstarter, much less how to do it right; these guys and gals not only nailed it game- and Kickstarter-wise, but were willing to answer about 10,000 email questions from us at all hours of the day and night. And yes, they were at work all hours of the day and night, 'cause that's just how dedicated they are to making their game awesome! We were super-excited to see it on display here at PAX in Nintendo's booth, where it was drawing huge crowds -- be sure to check it out!

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/yac ... vel-knight
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:57 pm -0500

Update #2


To all our Mighty Backers (Beckers?) and fans and supporters--

You have spoken. You have spoken with your pledges and emails and comments and tweets and videos and fan art and...in every way possible, you have spoken, and your message -- not just to us, but to the entire gaming community -- is crystal-clear: This style of classic Japanese action-game isn't dead; it just needs a fresh perspective! It needs to transform like our hero, Beck, into something both familiar -and- completely new.

Not only did you pass our initial goal -- in less than 40 hours, on a holiday weekend no less! -- but you went ahead and crushed our first stretch goal as well. We now have our game guaranteed funded, and with 8 full stages and 8 full bosses! All this, and we're just getting started...

One of the things we’re most proud of is the overwhelmingly positive vibe we all share in this mission. There are no losers in our success here, and no bad guys to rail against. We all know that none of the amazing stories and fond memories you've all been sharing would've ever been possible without the games that came before us, the developers who created them, and the companies who promoted and sold and spread them throughout the world. Yes, we are aiming to revive and reinvent this genre, but we do so with the deepest humility and all due respect to those who came before us, or in many cases worked alongside us -- our ex-coworkers and ex-employers, for example; whatever success we achieve here is ultimately a validation of their efforts. So we salute them -- as we do all of you -- Beck-style, with two fingers! (`_´)ゞ

So yes, this is a huge victory for ALL of YOU, and it’s only due to ALL of YOU! But rest assured, on our end, we know our work is just getting started; we still have plenty of feedback to solicit and comb through, plenty of key stretch goals we all want to see happen, plenty of updates to write, proposals to consider, podcasts to record -- everything and anything we can do to try and reach as many fans, old and new, as we possibly can, and to hit as many stretch goals as we possibly can, to make Mighty No. 9 the best game that we possibly can. Plus we’re now past our first couple days (when Kickstarter momentum typically dies down), but at the same time entering our first real week after the holiday, when a lot of fans that still haven't heard about us will finally be easing back into their routine at home and work, checking Facebook, Twitter, reddit, YouTube, NeoGAF, or any of their other favorite sites and message boards again: we need to reach as many of them as we can!

It's going to be a lot of work -- so much work that there's no way we could possibly do it alone. But that's the beauty of Kickstarter: we're not alone. You all have proven that in just 40 short hours. As a great man once said, "We love you guys. So much love. We know it's not all about us, but about you, the fans, and what you want to say and do with your money and choose to do and make things happen for yourselves."

And with that, we leave you with another piece of inspirational fan art that we think says it all, this time from the amazing Kevin Bolk:


Congratulations -- and our sincerest thanks again to each and every one of you.

-The Mighty No. 9 Team

P.S. -- Look for our weekly "Communi-Tuesday" update coming later this evening, highlighting some of the amazing fan art popping up already, as well as a FAQ update based on your most common questions, and some new reward tier ideas we're going to be considering based on your early feedback. Until then! (`_´)ゞ
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:02 pm -0500

Update #3

To all our avowed Mighty Backers/Beckers, or the Mighty-Backer/Becker-Curious,

Hello, and welcome to the first of our weekly “Communi-Tuesday” updates focusing on -- what else? -- YOU, our Mighty Backer community! Of course every day's update is meant for you, but on this day each week, we'll put special focus on what we see coming out of the community -- and what better way to get started than with a small sampling of the H-U-G-E outpouring of amazing fan art we've already received! That's right: Any and all artwork in this update was made by fans, for fans, so even though they may be unofficial, we can say they are officially awesome!


(above) Mighty No. 2 comes alive, by daverom

Note: In order to keep this update (relatively) sane in terms of screen real-estate, we've created names for and included links to most of these, but we really want the original authors to get recognition, so please click through and let them know what you think, either on their personal pages or in the comments here! Also, if you'd like to submit art or your video for next week's update, tweet it to us @MightyNo9 with hashtag #M9fanart or #M9video


(above) Sprite Beck transforming, by Rathe The Best

¡Gracias, amigos! by SERGIOAPODACA

Mighty Number concepts, also by SERGIOAPODACA

Suitable for framing, by Emortal982

Beck-nado! also by Emortal982

Beck Vs No. 6! by anderb

Beck unleashes a Kickstarter! by Spacedad

Beck strikes a pose, by divhino

Transform! by Dante91

Awesome pencil work, by KentaroPJJ

Mid-transformation, by Heilos

Perfect cell-phone wallpaper, by SyrontheFox

Congratulations from Beck! by @venturer

Ready for action, by pcengine

For more awesome fan art, check out this unofficial Mighty No. 9 tumblr, run by fans, for fans!


(above) PixelBeck! by matchead

A nice message for Mr. Inafune, by GaijinGoombah

Mighty No. 9!! WOW! -- by Happy Console Gamer, featuring Rob Man


(above) by Satsy-comic

To address the most common questions and requests we've been getting from our community over emails, Twitter (@MightyNo9), and in our comments section, here are a few FAQ updates (we'll be adding these to the FAQ at the bottom of the main page as well):

Q: Will you / can you / please make a PS4 / Xbox One version of Mighty No. 9! Since you aren't coming out until 2015, why not aim for those systems first, instead of PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U?

It's no surprise to us that this is far and away the most popular single type of question we get, as next-gen versions of Mighty No. 9 are something we've dreamed about ourselves ever since we first began work on the game.

First, a little history: One of our most important considerations before we launched our Kickstarter, and before we could confirm that our idea here would resonate with the fans, was budgeting and cost: We had to be as certain as we possibly could that we could deliver on -everything- we were promising for the initial and stretch goals we were setting. Since, like many (most?) developers, we don't have any next-gen titles under our belt yet, we thought it best to stick with what we do know, so we could make promises to our fans with confidence -- especially for what we were promising coming out of the gate. We know being able to offer next-gen versions would dramatically increase our funding, but we felt the worst thing we could possibly do was dangle the prospect of next-gen Mighty No. 9 in front of our fans and capitalize on their excitement as we head into this fall's big new system launches, only to disappoint them in 2015 when the game is delayed, or didn't live up to the higher aesthetic expectations that come with games for those systems due to problems and costs we weren't able to anticipate.

All that said, we would definitely love to see Mighty No. 9 on as many platforms as possible, and we agree the next-gen systems are a natural fit if we can make the numbers work! If we continue to see more and more people asking for next-gen versions, and then if we're able to set and clear stretch goal funding levels that include enough margin for error that we can say with confidence we can deliver on quality versions for these platforms -- that's what it would take to make next-gen versions of Mighty No. 9 a reality. This is the number one thing we will be watching for and discussing internally in the next couple weeks, so please, continue to let us know what you think, and thanks for all your feedback so far.

Oh, and as for prioritizing the current systems over next-gen, in addition to the above, there were other important considerations about our audience: We want Mighty No. 9 to reach as many fans -- old and new -- as it possibly can, all over the world. As hardcore gamers ourselves, we'll definitely have next-gen systems hooked up to our TVs by the spring of 2015, and current-gen systems still somewhere in the house (assuming the next-gen systems don't come up with some sort of eventual solution for playing current-gen games), but we didn't think it would be fair to assume the same of everyone who would want to play our game, since even the current-gen systems are a relatively expensive luxury item in many households.

Q: Will you / can you / please make a PS Vita / 3DS version of Mighty No. 9?!

Another message we have gotten loud and clear: A portable version of Mighty No. 9 is something many of you are excited about -- and believe us, we would love to see it happen as well. Potential 3DS and/or Vita versions of the game are something we've been discussing since the earliest stages of this project, as handhelds are something our developers have plenty of experience with. Unfortunately, that experience tells us that these things cost money -- however, the road to making them a possibility is relatively straightforward: If we continue to see more and more fans asking for portable versions of Mighty No. 9, and if we're able to set and achieve stretch goals that would justify the cost, we would be thrilled to make this happen. In the meantime, we'll continue watching for more feedback and start working up more detailed budgets just in case, so please continue to let us know how much of a priority this is for you. Thanks!


(above) Call takes flight, by Shoutaro-Saito

Q: Is there any way to get some kind of physical copy of the game itself?

Not currently, no. As explained in the reward explanation, the retro box is just that -- a box -- with only the instruction manual in it, intended to be a showpiece and not serve all the same purposes as a full retail game you'd buy from the store. That said, we have had enough feedback about this that we have started looking into the possibility of adding a new pledge tier above the current $60 level that would include some kind of physical media with the game, ideally (but not necessarily) a USB memory device. We still need to analyze costs and gauge interest in the community to be sure this would be something worth offering, so please, let us know what you think! Thanks!

Q: Are these your final set of stretch goals? Do they stop at $2.5 million?

No, the set of stretch goals we started with merely cut off at $2.5 million for our debut, and is not our final set of goals, as we have plenty of awesome ideas for things beyond that (and are adjusting those and thinking of more every day, based on all the feedback we've been getting from the community!). We altered the stretch goal chart graphic slightly to "fade out" at the bottom to try and better reflect that they don't have to end there!

--We've heard enough people asking for all-digital reward tiers that we are currently finalizing plans to add these! Check back soon!

--The signature and original sketch by Mr. Inafune ran out quick and we are hearing demand for more, so we're looking into how many Mr. Inafune can handle before his hand drops off! :)

Aaaaaand that's all for this Communi-Tuesday -- we'll be back tomorrow with "Comcept Concept Wednesday," where we take a closer look each week at the design process for characters and other art in the game. Until then, Mighty Beckers! (`_´)ゞ


(above) by Rathe The Best

-The Mighty No. 9 Team
@markmacd (Mighty No. 84)


Some of you Kickstarter veterans may already be familiar with the work of artist Jed Henry -- his campaign for these amazing game-themed Japanese woodblock prints is still one of the most successful campaigns ever, reaching over 3000% of his initial goal (!).

Well, Jed has another Kickstarter now, for his first game ever. It's called Edo Superstar, it features all of Jed's amazing art and characters, and it only has just over a day left to get funded -- check it out!

If you're a fan of Jed's work like we are, please join us in trying to help make this happen! Pledge, tell a friend, send a tweet -- whatever you can do to help!

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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:03 pm -0500

Update #4


We did it! We cleared $1,500,000! :D

We can't thank you enough for all the amazing support you've given us...but we can announce some great news about upcoming stretch goals!

The Mighty Masses have spoken, and with one voice you shouted: CONSOLES!

OK, well actually you shouted a few different console names, but we digress... The point is, you all made it perfectly clear you have a Mighty urge to play Mighty No. 9 on systems other than just your PC/Mac/Linux box! You want to experience this genre the way you remember: sitting on the floor, looking up at your 17" tube TV, Capri Sun at the…wait. OK, maybe not exactly as you remember it, but close enough: nice and comfy, on your couch, playing on your full TV setup. (Those of us not lucky enough to have a nice PC-to-TV setup, at least!)

Of course, it's no surprise our backers would request Mighty No. 9 for console systems -- they are the traditional home for this genre, after all -- but what we weren't prepared for was the intense, consistent, all-consuming passion you did it with! We realized the other stretch goals we had planned would be more welcome after this overriding priority, where they wouldn’t pale so much in comparison.

And that's why we’re happy to announce that, because of your feedback, we are officially pushing back the unannounced "???" goals in order to move the making-of documentary $250K closer, and yes -- the PS3/360/Wii U versions of the game $300K closer as well! :D As for the tiers that follow, we're currently revisiting our longer-term stretch goal plan based on this big change as well as other ideas we had (and of course, your feedback).

It may seem like not such a big deal to remove some "???" features that were never announced anyway, but the truth is, it wasn't easy; our people on the West Coast and Tokyo have been working non-stop over Skype and email to gather and translate your feedback, rework estimates, crunch numbers, and get approvals. It's been like some cheesy montage, with people pulled out of meetings and woken up by late-night phone calls, but we were all doing it with HUGE smiles on our faces, because this is the best possible problem to have: our fans want something we knew they wanted and are prepared to offer -- and they want it even more than we thought!

Some might wonder, where's the trouble? Isn't it just a matter of subtracting whatever amount the removed stretch goals cost and moving the next one up? An easy assumption to make, but actually, the answer is no, it isn't. The dollar amount for any one stretch goal isn't designed to go only towards that one stretch goal, at least not in many cases -- even after fees and rewards are taken out. Usually some percentage of funds goes toward the larger game as a whole, adding and polishing pieces that aren't as headline-worthy or sexy as the stretch goals (hopefully!) are. We’re happy that, in the end, we were able to make these adjustments without having to remove or reorder any goals we previously announced, as we can still be confident about the cost calculations we already had in place for them relative to each other. Basically, it lets us be more confident, more quickly, about safely affording the goals we are keeping, and for the amount of money we're asking for them.

So, to everyone who spoke out -- congratulations, and thank you for making your priorities known. We realize we can't do everything you ask for, but we hope this shows you that we’re listening, and that we value your feedback. (We know many of you are asking for next-gen and handhelds, too, and we’re definitely hearing you; rest assured, today’s good news can only make those eventual goals lower than they would’ve been otherwise!)

We've still got a long road ahead of us, of course, but with all we've already accomplished behind us, and these new goals ahead, the future is lookin' Mighty bright.

-The Mighty No. 9 Team
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Lumberg » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:05 pm -0500

They raised 1.5 million fucking dollars for a Mega Man?

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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:32 pm -0500

in like 76 hours. It's nutty.
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:18 pm -0500

Update #5


Welcome back, Beckers (say that fast three times), to the first of our “Comcept Concept Wednesdays," our weekly exploration of official Mighty No. 9 art and character design, including the people and processes used to create and refine it.

You're in for a bit of a twofer today -- or perhaps we should say five...fer, as our inaugural episode actually focuses on a previously unseen boss: Mighty No. 5!

Typically, new boss reveals happen every Monday during our Kickstarter campaign, but with the holiday and general excitement of hitting our initial goal on that day this week, we thought it better to hold back. But that time is over now -- so let's jump right in!

Our host this week will be our director on Mighty No. 9, Mr. Koji Imaeda, who works with the artists at Inti Creates as well as Comcept's art director and internal artists to make sure necessary designs are created and move through the approval process. Today, Koji will explain to us how Mighty No. 5's current design came about...

We started off by asking our developer, Inti Creates, to come up with a boss design with a military motif utilizing heavy weaponry. These are some of the first images they delivered to us:



“The gatling gun is a personal favorite when it comes to heavy weaponry, as it packs a lot of aesthetic impact. It would be great if these designs could shift focus to the gatling. Additionally, the overall look should hint at how the character will attack in-game.”

Next, new concepts were constructed incorporating Inafune's feedback. Designs from this point onward consisted of ideas from both the Comcept and Inti Creates sides:




“The Inti designs are too elaborate, and need to be simplified. Meanwhile, the Comcept designs feel a bit too restrained by the standards of the past. Designs reminiscent of the human anatomy are not a must here; instead of featuring a gatling held by a humanoid robot, let’s go with a gatling that looks like it’s actually sprouted limbs.”

The design at this point was starting to become a bit unusual, so we decided that rather than finalizing just this one boss, it would be better to establish base concepts for all eight first. Then, based on those concepts, we would move onto drawing their silhouettes, and finally, we would seek approval from Inafune. So, staff from Comcept took to brainstorming the remaining boss concepts...


(above) The team put together documents with detailed info on each boss, such as their weapons, the type of stages they’ll inhabit, what weapons they’re weak against, and basic background info, which then led into the creation of basic silhouettes for all eight Mighty Number bosses.

Now that No. 5’s basic silhouette was decided, the brainstorming continued into the advanced stages.



(above) That dude at the bottom left looks pretty creepy, doesn’t he? And it probably didn’t take too long for the devs to realize that the design of the guy next to him wasn’t gonna fly...

At last, we narrowed down the candidates and came to a consensus on the final design for the boss. Ladies and gentlemen, may we present to you... Mighty No. 5!


Handsome, eh? That about does it for this week’s edition of Comcept Concept Wednesdays -- as always, your feedback means the world to us, so let us know what you think, not only about Mighty No. 5, but about this kind of update in general! We’ve got more amazing boss designs to reveal in the weeks to come (you would not believe the sketches that passed through our hands today – so hot!), so stay tuned for those, and be sure to check back tomorrow for a look at our PAX panel debut.

-The Mighty No. 9 Team
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:18 pm -0500

The project is currently sitting at 1.65 million donated.

Update #6


Greetings, Beckers!

2 Player Productions here, taking the update reins for the first of our weekly VIDEO THURSDAY posts -- where each week we’ll...well, the name doesn’t really need much more explanation than that, does it? Maybe instead we should explain who we are and how we got here:

You might already be familiar with some of our previous work, like the first season of Penny Arcade: The Series, Minecraft: The Story of Mojang, or Double Fine Adventure!, but if you’re hearing our name for the first time, we hope these next few Thursdays will serve as an introduction to who we are and what we’re about: documenting the world of video games. (Or if you don’t want to wait, you could always check this sample of the Double Fine Adventure doc.)

Like many of you, we’ve been lifelong fans of Keiji Inafune’s work, so we were thrilled to be approached for the Mighty No. 9 project. Hopefully some of that excitement came across in the pitch video we made for the campaign! Thanks to DDM, 8-4, and Comcept for all their work helping make our crazy ideas a reality (and extra special thanks to Mr. Inafune for standing on a stool and spinning around for an hour, 30-stories up in the blazing Tokyo summer sun).

But we’ll get more into exactly how the pitch video came together in (what else?) an upcoming video. For now, let’s talk about the future -- specifically the four weeks of our Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter campaign! We have lots and lots of footage from our trip to Osaka and Tokyo -- including visits to the offices of Comcept and Inti Creates for a rare glimpse of Japanese developers at work, and focused interviews with various team members, including Inafune himself. We’re already hard at work getting standalone clips ready for you to see in the coming days, as well as a sample of the documentary-style pieces we can offer should we hit our stretch goal that mixes them all together.

As a small company (there’s three of us), we try to focus on unique and interesting projects we personally care about. We consider ourselves lucky to have worked alongside some amazing talent making some amazing games in both the US and Europe, but we always hoped we’d have the chance to explore the Japanese industry -- the birthplace of what we personally consider our greatest gaming inspirations.

A Japanese language doc is a new, unique challenge for us -- even an all English-language doc, filmed locally, would be tough under the time restraints of a Kickstarter campaign. But rest assured, we’re already hard at work alongside 8-4 and Comcept to get hours of footage translated, edited, and into your eyes and ears as soon as possible. This does mean, by necessity, we’ll start slow with some of the easier pieces to edit and release, and ramp up to the really meaty stuff near the end of the month.

So take this first update video as a simple snack before the meal to come -- it’s of Mr. Inafune’s PAX panel on his personal history in the game industry, where Mighty No. 9 made its surprise debut. We shot the panel as coverage for our planned documentary, but since the stream archive doesn’t seem to be online in its entirety, we’d like to share it here in the interest of preserving history:

Oh, and here’s a little something extra for dessert -- or maybe we should say, an appetizer for next week’s update:

Thanks, as always, for your time and your support for Mighty No. 9 -- and we’ll see you next Thursday! (`_´)ゞ

-2 Player Productions & the Mighty No. 9 Team

We’re proud to announce the addition of two new all-digital reward tiers, as requested by our backers and fans! These went up on the front page earlier today -- go get 'em!
All-Digital Reward Set: $60

Boxes? You don’t need no stinking boxes! Or the printed manual, or anything physical -- you want all your rewards to be digital! Well, how about this package: your own Mighty Number, forum access, name in the credits and ability to participate in backer-events, the digital version of Mighty No. 9 (of course!), the digital instruction manual and art book/strategy guide (Japanese or English version of each, your choice), the digital official soundtrack, plus both pieces of exclusive in-game content: the Golden Beck variant, plus the special Beck transformation. We heard your cries requesting this option, so here it is!
COMPLETE All-Digital Reward Set with Beta Access: $80

You are a being of pure light and energy, and as such, you want everything digital! And we mean EVERYTHING digital: your own Mighty Number, forum access, name in the credits and ability to participate in backer-events, the digital version of Mighty No. 9 (of course!), BOTH the Japanese AND the English versions of the digital instruction manual and BOTH regions’ digital art book/strategy guide, the digital official soundtrack, plus both pieces of exclusive in-game content: the Golden Beck variant, plus the special Beck transformation, aaand (wait for it)...access to the work-in-progress beta version of Mighty No. 9 on Steam, ahead of the full retail release! We added this reward based on user requests, so have at it!
One Other Reward Note: More Sketches!

Due to popular demand, we are adding a few more signed sketches from Mr. Inafune! He and his doctors have assured us his wrist can take at least 200 more of this reward. :) It costs a bit more now than the first wave, both out of respect to the brave backers who scooped them up in our crucial initial funding period, and in the interest of having them sell a bit slower to ensure Mr. Inafune has some time to work on the game in-between drawing all these sketches! :D
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:17 pm -0500

The 4th stretch of 1,750,000 has been reached. It's actually 15k over that as of right now. Next up, a long haul to 2.2 million for PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U versions of the game.

Update #7

PODCAST FRIDAY: MightyCast No. 1


To all our Mighty Becker/backers, supporters, and friends,

For once, we don’t have much to say – or at least, not in text. It's Podcast Friday, after all (just in time for the weekend), so we figure we should let the first episode of our official podcast (literally) speak for us.

Just click right here to listen, or right-click here to save:

http://traffic.libsyn.com//mightyno9/Mi ... _No._1.mp3

Who Are We? 00:45 – 03:59
First Time We Heard of Mighty No. 9 04:00 – 07:19
Initial Fan Reaction 07:20 – 10:49
Disclaimer 10:50 - 12:34
Future Podcast Plans 12:35 - 18:07
Our Mighty Community 18:08 - 23:09
PAX Debut 23:10 - 35:34
Update Schedule / Plans 35:35 - 40:27
Becker Skype Questions & Answers 40:28 - 1:20:39
Becker Twitter Questions & Answers 1:20:40 – 1:27:17
Closing Comments 1:27:18 –

All finished? Good. Now it’s our turn to listen – let us know what you think in the comments and @MightyNo9 on twitter!

-@markmacd (Mighty No. 84), @johntv (Mighty No. 99), and @sprsk (Mighty No. 123) of 8-4, Ltd. & the Mighty No. 9 Team
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:13 am -0500

He didn't invent megaman. He simply worked at Capcom and helped program the original game.

You don't make money working for someone else, unless it's like... Google or Facebook.

He's making his own Mega-Man type game now. What little I've seen looks neat.
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:41 pm -0500

I'm just posting the updates because it interests me. The game itself they haven't shown much, but it'll do more in time.

Update #8

SPECIAL UPDATE: $1.75m and Beyond: A Thank-You Love Letter From the Team!

Mighty Beckers,

You. Are. Amazing!

We've seen a lot of great projects on Kickstarter, but even so, it really feels like we are all part of something special here -- or rather, YOU all -are- something special! And we're not even talking about the amazing numbers -- we've never seen anything like the outpouring of fan art, videos, song remixes, and just general support in every way, shape and form for an all-new project like this, right out of the gate. We're only just now wrapping up our first week, and we already have more fan-generated art than a lot of popular franchises might get after years of sequels!

It's been truly overwhelming, in the best way possible. (We spent the better part of an hour in our last meeting just trading our personal favorite links from all of you!) :) Our team has been inspired beyond words by your passion and your generosity -- so we thought, forget words, let's make some art ourselves, to say THANK YOU! These come straight from our dev partners at Inti Creates, to celebrate us reaching our latest stretch-goal milestone:


Oh, and of course we had to include Call as well! Here's two variations on another (placeholder, work-in-progress) design for our community-favorite heroine!


Speaking of Call, our director Imaeda-san wants to let everyone know that we're hard at work developing her look so we can have proper options for you, the fans, to vote on soon -- but if any design you've seen so far, here or on the front page of the Kickstarter, strikes your fancy, let us know and maybe we can polish that up to include in the contest as well!


In a related note :), we had a marathon 7-hour meeting over the weekend focused on our expanded stretch goal plan, and should be ready to announce some exciting new targets this week! Keep an eye out for that coming sometime in the next couple days...

In closing, we cannot say it enough: From everyone here to all of you -- THANK YOU! As amazing as this first week has been, we can't help but be even more excited for what the future has in store -- hopefully you all feel the same way. :)

See you on Monday! (`_´)ゞ
-The Mighty No. 9 Team

P.S -- Oh, one more thing: We have plenty of images of your art to include in our updates, but we don't have nearly enough images of YOU, yourselves! We want to see and share pictures of our Mighty Beckers, too!

So take a picture of yourself doing Beck's signature 2-finger salute and tweet it to @MightyNo9 with the hashtag #MightySalute, and we'll try to include as many as we can in this week's Communi-Tuesday update! Hope to cya there!! (`_´)ゞ

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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Lumberg » Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:47 am -0500

Kukoc wrote:what little you've seen?

youve posted 8TB worth of shit about it

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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:55 pm -0500

<("^) <("<) <( " )> (>")> (^")>
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by aviger » Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:52 pm -0500

God i loved megaman.. so much i still have some VHS tapes of playing the game and finishing it so i could watch the cool cutscenes again heh
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:02 pm -0500

Time to donate, then.
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:10 pm -0500

What are the rewards for helping?
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by aviger » Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:38 pm -0500

I funded to get the new leisure suit larry made and the new spacequest...that's enough for a while for me
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:02 pm -0500

You heard correctly. Time will tell if they reach that far, but you never know. There has been a consistent growth up until this point. Not quite opening day growth, but not too slow at the same time.
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:27 am -0500

I got bored of doing constant updates, but anyway, it's currently at $2,174,000. In another $26k, it'll reach PS3 / Xbox 360 / Wii U support.
15 days remaining on the Kickstarter duration.
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:34 pm -0500

Kickstarter is what typically gets a project a lot of attention. It's a way to judge if it's a hit or not.

Once the Kickstarter time limit has ended, they tend to go into private donations via paypal that usually results in the same rewards that kickstarter has.

The thing with Kickstarter is that if a project doesn't hit their designated "funded" amount, you don't get charged. The project dies right then and there. Your credit card is only billed if it's successful.
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:00 pm -0500

GTA is coming to Xbox One, but it'll probably be may of next year.

(Amazon Germany accidentally spilled the beans and put up their Xbone & PS4 game box renders. It was yanked after about 2 hours)
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:39 pm -0500

Ok, I'll finally post another update on this thread.

There's currently 45 hours left of this Kickstarter Campaign.
As of right now, the total donations are $2,965,000.

Here is the list of stretch goals:
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:24 am -0500

Here's a quick video that they made to demonstrate what the graphics will probably look like.

I really dig this.

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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:29 pm -0500

Only 3 hours remain of this Kickstarter campaign, and they're just crushing through the stretch goals now. It's coming to EVERY machine at this point.
they have also added 2 more stretch goals.

Kickstarter is showing only $3,585,000 on the page, so they must have received a lot of donations in the form of Paypal.



You’ve seen the names of the legendary musicians attached to this project: Manami Matsumae, Takeshi Tateishi, Ippo Yamada... It’s a veritable who’s who of veteran game composers. So we thought, why not tap into that retro vibe and cook up an optional chiptune version of the entire Mighty No. 9 game soundtrack, including classic sound effects? That’s right – we’ll remix the entire soundtrack, retro 8-bit-style, and the game’s sound effects, for you to listen to in-game as you play, as an option you can toggle on or off in the settings menu!

The ultimate online competition! You and a friend compete online, racing to the end of slightly customized versions of single-player stages. You can see your rival as a "ghost" image in your game, but you can't affect each other...save for the enemies you defeat being sent over to impede your opponent’s progress! It's an all new twist on versus mode play that will give Mighty No. 9 life well beyond the single-player campaign!
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Re: Mighty No. 9 - The "next" Mega-Man

Post by Xarpolis » Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:11 pm -0500

They've just hit the $4 million goal, with 10 minutes remaining in the campaign. Sweet.
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