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Post by principessa » Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:31 am -0500

If any of you were thinking about picking this up (it is part of SyFy's new series, starting in April), IGN has beta keys available for Xbox, and you don't need to be a paying IGN member, either.

I might have a post/trailers about the Defiance series in the TV forum, if you want to know more. The game and series will work together, somehow...
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Re: Defiance

Post by tam » Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:27 pm -0500

heard the games shit but im really liking the tv show!

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Re: Defiance

Post by Terminal » Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:49 pm -0500

i live in st. louis

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Re: Defiance

Post by motherface » Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:11 pm -0500

I made it through 1 ep and barely the 2nd. Not good.

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